Every Seattle kid deserves a great education.

Why This Matters

Ben Gitenstein Ben Gitenstein

Why School Board Meetings Are Broken

It turns out that one of the most basic but critically important jobs of the School Board is to run a bi-monthly meeting where they ask tough questions of the District and ensure public debate on important decisions.

They aren’t doing it. I try to explain to my daughter why that matters.

A video describing why Seattle Public School board meetings are broken.

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Ben Gitenstein Ben Gitenstein

Why Do We Have a School Board?

The School Board is a kind of mysterious body. What do they do and why are they important? Listen to me try to explain it to my daughter. I’m not sure how well I held her attention.

A video in which I try to explain what the School Board does and why it matters.

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Ben Gitenstein Ben Gitenstein

Why I Am Running

Understanding why I am running for the Seattle School Board is hard. It’s a mostly thankless job and the problems are hard to solve. To make it easier I decided to try explaining it to my daughter Sylvie, a 5th grader at Bryant Elementary.

A video conversation with my daughter about why I am running for the school board.

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